All systems of the human body are interconnected. In order for the reproductive system to be healthy, you need to eat well and exercise, exercise healthy and spend more time in the fresh air. But all this will not give results too soon. Pills? Pills can help "here and now", but they can harm health in the future. what should I do? You are looking for a compromise. For example, products that contain more nutrients important for erection, and therefore work faster and stronger. What kind of products?
Products for rapid increase in potency
- Spinach. It's high in folic acid, which increases blood flow, and magnesium, which helps the body produce more testosterone.
- Coffee. It relaxes the muscles and arteries of the penis, which leads to a more active flow of blood to the penis, and the erection occurs faster and stronger. Two or three cups of coffee in the morning will be enough.
- Apples. In principle, they are very useful for the whole body as a whole, and when it comes to sexual health, they help the body produce substances to fight prostate cancer. Apart from apples, these substances are also found in:
- Vineyard;
- All berries: cherries, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries.
- Turmeric.
- Peaches, plums and apricots not only have a positive effect on erection and the very ability to experience desire, but also enhance the feeling of sex.
- Avocados contain zinc, which helps the body increase testosterone levels, and vitamin E, which not only improves erection, but also improves sperm quality, so avocados are often recommended to be eaten when a couple cannot have children.
- Chili peppers contain capsaicin, which helps the body produce large amounts of testosterone. In addition, spicy food increases the level of endorphins, and because of endorphins, erections increase.
- Carrots contain carotenoid (by the way, it gives carrots their orange color), which increases the speed of erection and the quality of sperm - their quantity and mobility.
- In addition to carrots, the same substances are also found in potatoes.
- Oatmeal. Just so you know, this is considered an aphrodisiac! Seriously! Due to the L-aragin, oatmeal helps the rapid onset of orgasm and relaxes the blood vessels, helping the blood to fill the penis faster.
- Tomatoes improve sperm quality. Now you know why eating olives and drinking tomato juice means finally becoming an adult.
- Barley helps you not ejaculate for a long time, because it is a complex carbohydrate that takes a long time to digest and therefore allows you to maintain strength for a long time.
- Eggs are an ideal protein that contains almost all amino acids and vitamins of group D that are useful and necessary for the human body, which positively affects libido.
- Nuts are very caloric, they contain a lot of fat and substances that are useful for the whole body, including the reproductive system.
- Fish: salmon, pike, mussels, any other seafood, such as shrimp. By the way, shrimp are not only tasty, but also contain a huge amount of nutrients, and they are also very filling because they contain a lot of protein.
- Maybe you heard that it was rumored that the famous Casanova loved mussels, and they are mainly an aphrodisiac? It's because of the phosphorus - it really boosts the libido.
- Cucumbers also contain phosphorus and increase libido.
- Watermelon acts on the body according to the same principle.
- Asparagus contains vitamin B9, which helps to relax the blood vessels in the penis, and because of this, it is more actively filled with blood. In addition, asparagus helps blood circulation, that is, the erection occurs even stronger.
- Garlic and ginger. It works on the same principle as chili pepper, but garlic contains allicin, and ginger contains antioxidants. Ginger, by the way, is considered a powerful aphrodisiac, they even produce ginger-scented perfumes, and it relieves headaches by improving circulation, so your lady can try it too.
- Pumpkin seeds contain a lot of zinc, which improves the natural production of testosterone.
- Whole grain bread contains arginine, and arginine helps relax blood vessels so your penis fills with blood more quickly. Arginine is also found in mackerel, sunflower seeds and sesame.
- Many spices improve blood circulation, especially spicy ones. For example, try adding more nutmeg, mustard, coriander, cardamom, cloves and black pepper and anise to your food. In addition to such hot, hot spices, cinnamon and cloves have a positive effect on erection.

What is NOT?
But these foods are best avoided if you want to keep your reproductive system healthy and strong:
- Alcohol. It worsens the circulation because it first widens and then suddenly narrows the blood vessels, plus it damages the liver, and the liver is involved in the production of testosterone.
- Cheese is healthy because of calcium, but it is also very fatty, and it is "simple" fat, harmful to the body in large quantities.
- The same applies to the frequent consumption of fast food.
- Sugar reduces the production of sex hormones, which causes problems with erection. No, no one is denying you sweets, you just shouldn't eat too many of them - for example, if you drink juice every day, then it's better to give it up.

By introducing the foods from the above "healthy" list into your diet, you will not only improve your erection in a short time, but you will also become healthier in general. And eat deliciously!